Thursday, October 31, 2019
Military Salary Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Military Salary - Research Paper Example One of their duties is to respond positively to orders whenever they are called upon. Members take oath of protecting the country from both internal and external attacks. Many are times when militants travel outside the country to help in peace keeping in such countries. During their encounter with their enemies who are also armed, some may be injured or killed (Salkind, 2009). According to Sorenson and Wood (2005), militants should be ready for work always. Sometimes they are called upon during late hours of the night or on weekends when they should be resting. Patrolling late at night puts them at risk of attacks by enemies or gangsters. Sometimes they are forced by the nature of their job to spent long periods away from their family members. Militants may be sent to work in areas where climatic conditions are not favorable for their health. For instance, tsetse fly and mosquito infested areas or areas were getting the necessities, as water is a problem. They are likely to contract diseases from such areas. Based on the risks that military officers are prone to, the salary they are paid cannot cater for the risks and commitments involved during their work. The proposal aims at identifying the reasons as to why the salary received by military officers however large they may be cannot adequately cover the risks and commitments involved in serving their countries (Nasu, 2009). ... Some like weapons like bombasts and grenades cause deaths of large numbers of people depending on their weight. Militants are of no exception during such periods. Making use of the above weapons causes death of many militants. Injuries that may lead to disabilities may also occur. This study aims at understanding why the amount paid to military officers is not enough to cater for the risks and commitments involved during their service because they are at risk of death. The study is important because the salary of the military officer will never benefit them if they happen to be victims of death during wars. Why get huge salaries and put your life at risk is a question of major concern. Research Rationale The purpose of carrying out the study is to determine why salaries that military officers earn are not sufficient to cater for the risks involved and commitments during their service to their countries. In order to determine the role of study, qualitative methods of data collection w ill be used. These include focus group discussion in which military officers will be selected randomly then discussion about the topic is conducted. The other method is interviewing individual military officers to get their views. Finally, the research can gather information through direct observation of military officers as they carry out their operations. The above methods of data collection will help the researcher gather adequate information. This study is related to demographic issues and work force in the country as deaths among military officers reduces workers and population in the country. The payment given to militants is not enough to cater for their risks and commitments because the chances of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Psychology and Crime Essay Example for Free
Psychology and Crime Essay There are a number of other theories developed by researchers including Bandura (1986), Beck (1982), Ellis (1976) and Ross and Fabiano (1985) describing cognitive structures or thinking frameworks that lead to troubled or criminal behaviour. These theories suggest that how an individual thinks about an external event, not the event itself, can trigger feelings that lead to criminal behaviour. Cognitive restructuring enables offenders to change their anti-social attitudes and beliefs through a process that focuses on the individuals thinking patterns. Kohlberg (1978) in the theory of moral development was concerned with the cognitive processes behind moral judgement. He used the work of Piaget (1932) and suggested that moral reasoning advances with age. Offending occurs when there is a delay in moral development and the offender does not have the reasoning to resist temptation from offending. (Hollin as citied in Maguire 2002) This could explain why some criminals are seen to grow out of criminality. This theory has been criticised on the basis that Kohlberg was explaining moral reasoning not moral behaviour. In conclusion psychoanalytical accounts do not offer a satisfactory explanation of crime but neither do any of the other theories on their own. Psychoanalytic theories concentrate on the unconscious, which is a contributing factor in the explanation of crime but the theory cannot explain all types of crime. Learning theories look at the values and beliefs that are learnt through the environment however they do not take into account internal or cognitive factors. Cognitive approaches help us to understand crime but do not explain the causes of crime. Cognitive theories focus on the individual and how the individual can be treated to change. This is why they are in favour with criminal justice at the moment. The theories assume that all offenders are the same however it is only crime itself that can be described in such a uniform way. In order to explain crime all the available theories including sociological theories need to be taken into account. As for psychoanalytical theories Psychoanalytical theories stress the inner processes and conflicts as determinants of behaviour. However they do not ignore or neglect the environmental or social factors, but they favour the dynamic processes as playing a major role in the development of criminal behaviour. (Hollin 1989) Bibliography Ainsworth.P (2000) Psychology and Crime: Myths and reality. (Essex: Pearson) Hollin.C (1989) Psychology and crime. (London: Routledge) Maguire.M etal (2002) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3rd Edition) McLaughlin.E Muncie.J (2001) The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (Sage Publications ltd. London) Putwain.D Sammons.A (2002) Psychology and Crime (East Sussex: Routledge)
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Protection of the generator analysis
Protection of the generator analysis In the generator mainly faults are the earth faults and the inter turn faults they are caused by the thermal and mechanical stresses.The field system is usually ungrounded so when fault between field winding and rotor body exist does not give rise fault current. But when the second earth fault exist it short circuit the rotor winding and then produce the unsymmetrical field system and unbalance the force on rotor.This causes vibration of the rotor and damage the bearings.So rotor earth fault protection is to provided to restrict the fault spreading on ward. Because of that fault, unbalanceing in three phase stator currents exists.As the unbalance three phase currents have the negative sequence component, it rotates in a opposite direction at the synchronous speed giving rise to double frequency currents.This results in to the overheating of the rotor and also damage to the rotor.temperature indicators are used for detecting the rotor overheating. Rotor open circuit faults are less to exist causes arcing problems and reduced excitation. Loss of the field failure occurs due to the short circuit or open circuit in field winding. In the case of the generator start running as induction generator, supplying power as the leading power factor.Due to the loss of excitationand loss of synchronism and system stability occur.rotor protection can also be done by using the tripping scheme which opens the field circuit breaker which will trip the generator unit breaker. Rotor Protection: Different schemes are used for protection of faults occurring in rotor. These schemes are of the following: Rotor earth fault protection: As the field circuit are operating unearthed a single earth fault does not affect the operation of the generator.But this fault increases the stress to the ground because stator transients induce an extra voltage in the field winding.If there is only the single earth fault but the relay should be provided to give the knowledge that fault has to occurred so that the generator may take out of the service until the second fault occurs and become the cause of serious damage for the rotor. There are two basic methods used for the rotor earth fault protection of the generator. Method I: In this method a high resistance is connected across the rotor circuit and its mid point is grounded through a sensitive relay. This relay detects the earth fault for whole circuit except the rotor center point Method II: In this method dc injection or ac injection method is used. .In it either dc or ac voltage is connected between the field circuit and ground through a sensitive over voltage relay and current limiting resistor or capacitor. A single earth fault in the rotor circuit will complete the circuit including voltage source, sensitive over voltage relay and earth fault. DC injection method is simple and has no problems of leakage currents. If we use dc the over voltage relay will be more sensitive than if we use ac because in case when we use ac the relay not picking up the current that flows normally through capacitance to ground and also care should be taken to avoid resonance between capacitance and inductance. Rotor overheating Protection: Negative sequence component of the unbalanced currents of the stator winding causes double frequency current to be induced in the rotor winding due to this component overheating of the rotor take place. In case of over current due to over excitation in the rotor circuit, a dc relay is used. This relay senses and initiates alarm. Application of such relay is limited because relaying of dc quantities is relatively uncommon Rotor Temperature Alarm: This kind of protection is only provided in case of large generators. It gives the level of temperature. In it resistance is measured by comparing voltage and current by a double actuating quantity moving coil relay. The operating coil being used as voltage coil and restraining coil used as current coil. The relay measures the ratio of voltage and current because resistance gives the measure of rotor temperature. Automatic Field Suppression and Use of Neutral circuit Breaker: When a fault on the generator winding exist even through the generator circuit breaker is tripped, the fault continues to be fed as long as the excitation will exist. For the quick removal of the fault, it is necessary to disconnect the field simultaneously with disconnection of the generator. So it is very necessary to discharge its magnetic field as soon as possible in short duration. Hence it should be ensured that all protection system not only the trip the generator circuit breaker but also trip the automatic field discharge switch. Loss of Field Protection: Loss of field occurs due to tripping of the supply of the field current which occurs because of the reasons. Loss of field to the main exciter. Accidental tripping of the field breaker. Short circuit in the field circuit. Poor brush contact in exciter. Loss of AC supply to the excitation system. Field Protection Phenomena: when the field supply is tripped, it speed increased and it start behaving as induction generator so heavy currents are produced in the teeth and wedges of the rotor. Because of the drop in excitation voltage the generator output voltage drops slowly to compensate this voltage current start increasing then generator become under excited and start drawing reactive power 2 to 4 times the generator load. Before losing excitation, the generator is delivering power to the system. But when loss of field occur this large reactive load thrown on the system abruptly with loss of generatorà ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâ¹Ã
âs reactive power and it further causes voltage reduction and extensive instability Protection against Loss of field:If the system has capability to tolerate the difference of reactive power then automatic protection is not required but if the system will be instable in this condition and has not capability to tolerate then automatic protection is required. Under current Moving coil relay is connected across a shunt in series with field winding. But in case of large generators which operate over a wide range of field excitation then this relay will not work properly because field failure due to the failure of the excitation is not detected by it because it is held in by the ac induced from the stator. The most valid type of protection in this case is by using directional-distance type relay operating by alternating current and voltage at the generator terminals. In offset-mho relay is used and its setting is like that when the excitation goes certain value then this relay start operating because machine start running asynchronously. Its characteristics are shown on R-X diagram. When excitation is lost the generator impedance start a curve from the first quadrant to the fourth quadrant. This region is enclosed in the operating area of the relay so the relay will operate when the generator starts to slip poles and will trip the field breaker and disconnect the generator from the system. The generator may then return to service when the cause of failure is cleared. Fig: Loss of field protection Effects produced by loss of field: It can endanger the generator. Connected system or both. Loss of synchronism. Over heating of stator winding. Increased rotor losses. Pole Slipping: When angular displacement of the rotor exceeds the stability limit then rotor slips a pole pitch or we can say rotor flux slips with respect to stator flux. This condition is called pole slipping. Causes of Pole Slipping Following are the causes for pole slipping. Power system fault that persists for long duration .Connecting line between two systems is open. Because of insufficient torque that keeps rotor in synchronism. Faulty excitation system Operating errors. Pole Slipping Phenomena: Pole slipping does not occur very often when faults are cleared very fast. When pole slipping occurs due to this synchronizing power will start flowing in reverse direction twice for every slip cycle. On drawing this synchronizing power on the impedance plane the flow of it characterized by cyclic change in the load impedance and load impedance locus passes between +R and à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬R quadrants because real power flows in reverse direction. When the load impedance is very reactive in nature then two systems are 180 degree out of phase, this instant is when drawn on the jx axis the point corresponding to this instant is called transition point. At this stage only reactive power flows and system voltage reached to zero at the electrical mid point of the two systems. Mid point is that point where pole slipping take place and its location can be determined from the apparent load impedance to the point where the locus crosses the jx axis. Three parameters magnitude, direction and rate of change of load impedance with respect to the generator terminals tell us about the pole slipping, that is it taking place. Fig: Offset mho type pole protection relay Need of Pole Slipping Protection High current and torque can Loosen or causes of wear off winding. Damage shaft and coupling. Stator and rotor over heating. Excitation system damage Protection of Generator due to Unbalanced Loading: Due to fault there is an imbalance in the three phase stator currents and due to these imbalance currents, double frequency currents are induced in the rotor core. This causes the over heating of the rotor and thus the rotor damage. Unbalanced stator currents also damage the stator. Negative sequence filter provided with the over current relay is used for the protection against unbalance loading. From the theory of the symmetrical components, we know that an unbalanced three phase currents contain the negative sequence component. This negative phase sequence current causes heating of the stator. The negative heating follows the resistance law so it is proportional to the square of the current. The heating time constant usually depend upon the cooling system used and is equal to IÃâà ²t=k where I is the negative sequence current and t is the current duration in seconds and k is the constant usually lies between 3 and 20. Its general practice to use negative current relays which matches with the above heating characteristics of the generator. In this type of protection three CTs are connected to three phases and the output from the secondaries of the CTs is fed to the coil of over current relay through negative sequence filter. Negative sequence circuit consists of the resistors and capacitors and these are connected in such way that negative sequence currents flows through the relay coil. The relay can be set to operate at any particular value of the unbalance currents or the negative sequence component current. Under and Over voltage protection: Over Voltage Protection: Over voltage occurs because of the increase in the speed of the prime mover due to sudden loss in the load on the generator. Generator over voltage does not occur in the turbo generator because the control governors of the turbo generators are very sensitive to the speed variation. But the over voltage protection is required for the hydro generator or gas turbine generators. The over voltage protection is provided by two over voltage relays have two units à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ one is the instantaneous relays which is set to pick up at 130 to 150% of the rated voltage and another unit is IDMT which is set to pick up at 110% of rated voltage. Over voltage may occur due to the defective voltage regulator and also due to manual control errors. Under Voltage Protection: If more than one generators supply the load and due to some reason one generator is suddenly trip, then another generators try to supply the load. Each of these generators will experience a sudden increase in current and thus decreases the terminal voltage. Automatic voltage regulator connected to the system try to restore the voltage. And under voltage relay type-27 is also used for the under voltage protection. Under/Over Frequencies Protection: Over Frequency Operation: Over frequency results from the excess generation and it can easily be corrected by reduction in the power outputs with the help of the governor or manual control Under Frequency Operation: Under frequency occurs due to the excess. During an overload, generation capability of the generator increases and reduction in frequency occurs. The power system survives only if we drop the load so that the generator output becomes equal or greater than the connected load. If the load increases the generation, then frequency will drop and load need to shed down to create the balance between the generator and the connected load. The rate at which frequency drops depend on the time, amount of overload, on the load and generator variations as the frequency changes. Frequency decay occurs within the seconds so we can not correct it manually. Therefore automatic load shedding facility needs to be applied. These schemes drops load in steps as the frequency decays. Generally load shedding drops 20 to 50% of load in four to six frequency steps. Load shedding scheme works by tripping the substation feeders to decrease the system load. Generally automatic load shedding schemes are designed to maintain the balance between the load connected and the generator. The present practice is to use the under frequency relays at various load points so as to drop the load in steps until the declined frequency return to normal. Non essential load is removed first when decline in frequency occurs. The setting of the under frequency relays based on the most probable condition occurs and also depend upon the worst case possibilities.During the overload conditions, load shedding must occur before the operation of the under frequency relays. In other words load must be shed before the generators are tripped. Stator Over Heating: ProtectionStator over heating is caused due to the overloads and failure in cooling system. It is very difficult to detect the over heating due to the short circuiting of the lamination before any serious damage is caused. Temperature rise depend upon I^2Rt and also on the cooling. Over current relays can not detect the winding temperature because electrical protection can not detect the failure of the cooling systemSo to protect the stator against over heating, embed resistance temperature detector or thermocouples are used in the slots below the stator coils. These detectors are located on the different places in the windings so that to detect the temperature throughout the stator. Detectors which provide the indication of temperature change are arranged to operate the temperature relay to sound an alarm Stator Ground Fault Protection: The method of grounding affects the protection which is employed by the differential protection. High impedance reduces the fault currents and thus it is very difficult to detect the high impedance fault, differential protection does not work for the high impedance grounding. The separate relay to the ground neutral provides the sensitive protection. But ground relay can also detect the fault beyond the generator, it the time co-ordination is necessary to over come this difficulty. If we use the star- delta transformer bank, then it will block the flow of ground currents, thus preventing the occurrence of the fault on other side of the bank from operating ground relays. In unit protection scheme the transformer bank limits the operation of the fault relay to the generator
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comparing Poe and Whittman Essay -- comparison compare contrast essays
Comparing Poe and Whittmanà à à à A successful writer is he who is able to transmit ideas, emotions, and wisdom on to his readers. He is cable of stirring emotions and capturing the reader's attention with vivid descriptions and clever dialogues. The writer can even play with the meanings of words and fuse reality with fiction to achieve his goal of taking the reader on a wonderful journey. His tools are but words, yet the art of writing is found in the use of the language to create though-provoking pieces that defy the changing times. Between the lines, voices and images emerge. Not everyone can write effectively and invoke these voices. It is those few who can create certain psychological effects on the reader who can seize him (or her) with inspiring teachings, frightening thoughts, and playful games with the language. These people are true writersâ⬠¦ In addition, authors frequently lack originality and simply take the reader on all-too-familiar voyages into politics, morals, or religion. Successful writers are those who risk and go on to write about topics that many times others have been less willing to address. The product of these extraordinary efforts is compositions richly enhanced by human feelings and real problems that we encounter and relate to our everyday livesâ⬠¦thought-provoking discussions about religion, philosophy, or politics. These pioneering authors are not afraid to write about evil, the perverse aspects of man, or even sexualityâ⬠¦Ã Their true voices have risen from behind the words taking shape in the minds of the readers. Few have done this, but in the 19th Century two remarkable Americans produced compositions of unequal quality. Their styles and the way they approach the reader are different from t... ... something (AL 2139) Could it be that their originality sprouts from the fact that they have both been able to express so humanly the cries of the soul while at the same time leaving mysteries and ambiguity for the readers' minds to personalize to their own life experiences? Their distinct styles enabled them to expresses exactly what was on their minds with words, leaving behind all inhibitions. The themes of their compositions and the moral issues captured our attention. I think the reader was able to "feel" he was truly experiencing the story simply because so much was left as a mystery for our unconscious to reflect uponâ⬠¦ I am convinced that this is the key element that makes both Whitman and Poe successful writers.à à Works Cited Reidhead J. ed.à (1998, Fifth Edition) The Norton Anthology of American Literature Volume 1: Norton & Company, New York
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
American Ethnic Literature Essay
American Literature has been an important part of American people for centuries. What makes this type of literature great is that the authors vision is objective and not one sided. Several of the American authors are still considered to be great writers. The books that were written by these authors are still read by people of all ages around the United States. These books are now considered classic literature. American literature is considered American because it was written by American people. Overall, ââ¬Å"editors appear to use an inconsistent combination of citizenship, geographical location, language, and subject matter (that is, the subject of America and the United States) (Hames- Garcia, p. 1, 2003). Most of the American literature was written by white men. In order to be considered American literature it has to be about the United States. There have been many great authors that write about science fiction, but because it is unreal their literature is not considered American literature. Politics also played an important role in literature. It was of great importance to portray the American character as an ââ¬Å"exceptional entityâ⬠(Hames-Garcia, p. 1, 2003). In the early twentieth century, writers who were not American white men were not allowed to publish their works. Women writers as well as Black, Latino, American Indian, and immigrant writers were left out altogether. This happened because other ethnic groups were considered to be inferior. It was until the 1970s that feminist began to speak out and rebel against the oppression they were faced with. It is thanks to this reform that the American literature holds diversity. It allows for men and women to have the same opportunity to express their feelings without having to worry about their race or sex. Another type of literature is ethnic literature. This type of literature is often read as an autobiography, even when making no such claims. This is written on a first person point of view. The authorââ¬â¢s point of view is specific to their personal beliefs and life stories. It is difficult for this type of author to provide an objectionable story. They are blinded by anger because of what they had to live. The topics these authors write about covers racism and suppression. The definitions and topics will vary depending on the life experiences that each author or their families experienced. The storyline will also vary because each author lived different time periods, and of course things change over time. Ethnic Literature is great because it now holds different point of views. Every person has a different perspective on what happens around them. What allows for this to be great is that each person is entitled not only to have their own belief, but they are able to express their feelings with freedom. No person is afraid of what repercussion might come because they decided to write from their heart. The truth allows readers to realize that life has been harder for some people more than others. It is easy to forget what our ancestors had to experience in order for each individual to encounter freedom. It is now easy for men and women of all races to walk freely around their city. This however came at a price, and this type of literature allows human beings to read and experience in some small way what it was like to live in a world were the color of your skin as well as your sex had a lot to do with the quality of life you lived. American Literature will continue to play an important role in American people. The only way to enjoy this type of literature is to introduce our younger generations to it. This is the perfect material needed to give to young readers so that they can value the lifestyle they are allowed to live today. It is up to us to keep this tradition alive so that our future generation can enjoy it as well. Reference Michael Hames-Garcia. (2003). Which America is ours? Martiââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Truthâ⬠and the foundations of ââ¬Å"American literatureâ⬠. Modern Fiction Studies, 49(1), 19-53. Retrieved October 25, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 328665241). Yonjae Jung. (2004). The New Americanist Intervention into the Canon. American Studies International, 42(2/3), 213-225. Retrieved October 26, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 676208971).
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Negro League Baseball Research Paper Essays
Negro League Baseball Research Paper Essays Negro League Baseball Research Paper Paper Negro League Baseball Research Paper Paper 1970. Print. Spalding, Albert. America. Baseball: A Literary Anthology. Des Moines, IA: Library of America, 2002. Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
25 Quotes About Laughing and Laughter
25 Quotes About Laughing and Laughter Writer Madeleine Lââ¬â¢Engle once quipped: A good laugh heals a lot of hurts. Indeed, CPF, the official journal of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, stated that laughter and humor have great medical benefits. And prescribing laughter is free, the medical organization notes. It makes sense, then, to find ways to include laughter in your daily life.à People who laugh more live longer and happier than worrywarts. These quotes from famous people, great thinkers, and even a few comedians will show you that laughter is no laughing matter. Lighten your life with a chuckle every day. Audrey Hepburn I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think its the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. Its probably the most important thing in a person. Henry Ward Beecher Beware of him who hates the laugh of a child. Will Rogers An onion can make people cry but theres never been a vegetable that can make people laugh. Woody Allen If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. Mary H. Waldrip A laugh is a smile that bursts. Arthur Marshall Laugh it off, laugh it off; its all part of lifes rich pageant. Thomas Szasz When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him. Jonathan Davis You laugh at me because Im different, I laugh at you because youre all the same. Abraham Lincoln With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die. Charlie Chaplin To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it! Kurt Vonnegut Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh since there is less cleaning up to do afterward. Maya Angelou Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends. Max Eastman Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails. Max Frisch When you say a friend has a sense of humor do you mean that he makes you laugh, or that he can make you laugh? Jane Austen For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors and laugh at them in our turn? David Herbert Lawrence One could laugh at the world better if it didnt mix tender kindliness with its brutality. Richard Pryor Theres a thin line between to laugh with and to laugh at. Anthony Burgess Laugh and the worldà laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone. Eminem Anybody with a sense of humor is going to put on my album and laugh from beginning to end. Bryant H. McGill Why do we laugh at such terrible things? Because comedy is often the sarcastic realization of inescapable tragedy. Jay Leno You cannot be mad at somebody who makes you laugh - its as simple as that. Mahatma Gandhi First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Voltaire God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. Jerry Seinfeld The Four Levels of Comedy: Make your friends laugh, make strangers laugh, get paid to make strangers laugh, and make people talk like you because its so much fun.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Organizational Behavior Motivation Essay Example
Organizational Behavior Motivation Essay Example Organizational Behavior Motivation Essay Organizational Behavior Motivation Essay MGMT 2008 Organisational Behaviour Motivation Theory Throughout the Caribbean, managers are continually challenged to motivate a workforce to do two things: work towards helping the organization achieve its goals, and to work towards achieving their own personal goals. In order to successfully do this, they must first properly understand the concept of motivation. The Websters New Collegiate Dictionary defines a motive as something (a need or desire) that causes a person to act. Motivation, in turn, is defined as the act or process of providing a motive that causes a person to take some action. In most cases motivation comes from some need that leads to behavior that results in some type of reward when the need is fulfilled. Thus, managers have the responsibility of making employees willing to exert high levels of effort, sufficient to achieve their personal needs as well as the organisations goals. Psychologists have studied human motivation extensively and have derived a variety o f theories about what motivates people. These include theories that focus on motivation being a function of 1) employee needs of various types, 2) extrinsic factors, and 3) intrinsic factors. One major needs-based theory was that of Abraham Maslow which focused on satisfying the needs of employees to keep them motivated. Maslow (1954) proposed a hierarchy of needs that progresses from the lowest, subsistence-level needs to the highest level of self- actualization. Once each level has been met, the theory is that an individual will be motivated by and strive to progress to satisfy the next higher level of need. Basically this hierarchy suggests that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other, more advanced needs. This hierarchy is most often isplayed as a pyramid with the most basic needs at the lowest levels of the pyramid, while the more complex needs are located at the top. Those needs at the bottom of the pyramid are basic physical requirements including the need for food, water, sleep, and warmth. Once these lower-level needs have been met, people can move on to the next level of needs, which are for safety and security. As people progress up the pyramid, needs become increasingly psychological and social. Soon, the need for love, friendship, and intimacy become important. Further up the pyramid, the eed for personal esteem and feelings of accomplishment take priority. Maslow emphasized the importance of self-actualization, which is a process of growing and developing as a person in order to achieve individual potential, located at the tip of the pyramid. Maslow believed that these needs are similar to instincts and play a major role in motivating behavior. Physiological, security, social, and esteem needs are referred to as deficiency needs (also known as D-needs), meaning that these needs arise due to deprivation. Satisfying these lower-level needs is important in order to avoid unpleasant feelings or consequences. The highest-level of the pyramid was termed as growth needs (also known as being-needs or a-needs). Growth needs do not stem from a lack of something, but rather from a desire to grow as a person. Frederick Herzberg (2003) and his Two Factor Theory further modified MasloWs needs theory and consolidated down to two areas of needs that motivated that deal with Job context and lead to Job dissatisfaction (company policy and administration, supervision, interpersonal relationships, working conditions, salary, status, and security); while motivators are those factors that deal with Job content nd lead to Job satisfaction (achievement, recognition for achievement, the work itself, responsibility and growth or advancement). Herzbergs findings revealed that certain characteristics of a Job are consistently related to Job satisfaction, while different factors are associated with Job dissatisfaction. The conclusion he drew is that Job satisfaction and Job dissatisfaction are not opposites. The opposite of satisfaction is no satisfaction and the opposite of dissatisfaction is no dissatisfaction. Remedying the causes of dissatisfaction will not create satisfaction. Nor will adding the factors of Job satisfaction eliminate Job dissatisfaction. In order to adequately motivate employees, managers must first removed the sources of Job dissatisfaction and subsequently and those of satisfaction. The search for needs- based motivation theories also leads to McClellands Acquired Needs Theory, which surrounds the idea that needs are acquired throughout life. That is, needs are not genetic, but are learned or developed as a result of ones life experiences (McClelland, 1985). This theory stipulates that there are three major types of needs, hich are the need for achievement (which emphasizes the desires for success, for mastering tasks, and for attaining goals); the need for affiliation (which focuses on the desire for relationships and associations with others); and, the need for power (which relates to the desires for responsibility for, control of, and authority over others). All of these theories approach needs from a somewhat different perspective and are helpful in understanding employee motivation on the basis of needs. However, other theories of motivation also have been posited and require consideration by managers in compiling motivational strategies. Another approach to understanding motivation focuses on external factors and their role in understanding employee motivation. Best known for this is B. F. Skinners (1953) Reinforcement Theory which studied human behavior and proposed that individuals are motivated when their behaviors are reinforced. His theory is comprised of four types of reinforcement. The first two are associated with achieving desirable behaviors, while the last two address undesirable behaviors. Positive reinforcement relates to taking action that rewards positive behaviors; avoidance learning occurs hen actions are taken to reward behaviors that avoid undesirable or negative behaviors. This is sometimes referred to as negative reinforcement. Punishment includes actions designed to reduce undesirable behaviors by creating negative consequences for the individual; and, extincti on represents the removal of positive rewards for undesirable behaviors. Theories that are based on intrinsic factors focus on internal thought processes and perceptions about motivation. Examples of these kinds of theories include Adams Equity Theory which proposes that individuals are otivated when they perceive that they are treated equitably in comparison to others within the organization (Adams, 1963); Vrooms Expectancy Theory which addresses the expectations of individuals and hypothesizes that they are motivated by performance and the expected outcomes of their own behaviors (Vroom, 1964); and, Lockes Goal Setting Theory which hypothesizes that by establishing goals individuals each of these theories deals with a particular aspect of motivation, studies have found it unrealistic to address them in isolation, since these factors often do come nto play in and are important to employee motivation at one time or another. Other approaches to motivation are driven by aspects of management, such as productivity, human resources, and other considerations. The most famous theory in this regard is McGregors Theory X and Theory. Created by Douglas McGregor, this approach again draws upon the work of Herzberg and develops a human resources management approach to motivation. This theory first classifies managers into one of two groups. Theory X managers adopt an authoritarian style and generally believe that the verage person dislikes work and will avoid it he/she can; therefore most people must be forced with the threat of punishment to work towards organisational objectives; and the average person prefers to be directed, to avoid responsibility, is relatively unambitious, and wants security above all else. Theory Y managers, on the other hand, take a participative management approach and believe that effort in work is as natural as work and play; people will apply self-control and self-direction in the pursuit of organisational objectives, without external control or the threat of unishment; commitment to objectives is a function of rewards associated with their achievement; and people usually accept and often seek responsibility. Altogether, whilst all of the aforementioned theories are helpful in understanding management and motivation from a conceptual perspective, it is important to recognize that most managers draw upon a combination of needs, extrinsic factors, and intrinsic factors in an effort to help motivate employees, to help employees meet their own personal needs and goals, and ultimately to achieve effectiveness and balance within the rganization. Managers should take into account most of the aspects upon which these theories focus, namely expectancy, goal setting, performance, feedback, equity, satisfaction, and commitment for example, when they are developing a motivational strategy for their employees. The literature which surrounds motivation theory suggest a wide range of strategies for managers to implement in seeking to help motivate employees. First off, managers should expect the best from their employees as persons tend to live up to the expectations they and others have of them. (Manton, 2005, p. 292). They should also seek to reward desired behaviours and ensure that rewards are not given for undesirable behaviors and be sure to use many different types of rewards to achieve the desired outcomes (Manton, 2005, p. 295). Allowing subordinates to take responsibility for their own motivation is another strategy. This can be achieved by managers taking steps to deal with problem employees, to understand employees needs, to determine what motivates their employees, to engage employees in the problem-solving process, and to really work hard at resolving, rather than ignoring, difficult employee problems (Nicholson, 2003). Additionally managers show seek to play to the employees strengths, promote high performance, and focus on how they learn. This requires them to know what their employees strengths and weaknesses are, to find out what will be required to get specific employees to perform, and to understand how to capitalize on the ways those employees learn as an alternative method of encouraging and motivating them (Buckingham, 2005). Motivating an employee is a delicate task. Caribbean managers effectively put them in practice. Should these managers place more focus on roviding their employees with sufficient extrinsic rewards for desired performances, there is an increased likelihood that said employees will become motivated. However, creating an environment which facilitates employees satisfaction of intrinsic needs, is equally as important in motivating employees and keeping them motivated. References The Websters New Collegiate Dictionary Herzberg, F. (2003, January). One more time: how do you motivate employees? Harvard Business Review. Locke, E. A. , Latham, G. P. (1990). A theory of goal setting and task performance. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Maslow, A. H. 1954). Motivation and personality. New York: Harper Row. McClelland, D. C. (1985). Human motivation. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman. Skinner, B. F. (1953). Science and human behavior. New York: Macmillan. Vroom, V. H. (1964). Work and motivation. New York: Wiley. Adams, J. S. (1963, November). Towards an understanding of inequity. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. Manton, J. (2005). From management to leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Nicholson, N. (2003, January). How to motivate your problem people. Harvard Business Review. Buckingham, M. (2005, March). What great managers do. Harvard Business Review.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Centex Corporation Firm Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Centex Corporation Firm Analysis - Essay Example Decrease in the customer's affordability for initiating buying inventory. Customers were in a mood to lay off the inventory to overcome the mortgage demands. The high inventory costs to bear with have depleted the market from selling. Thus, there were very few takers for the inventory and lots of unsold inventory was left with no takers. The decrease in buying and selling was due to low confidence levels of the customers who were affected by the adverse market conditions. Due to the financial markets turmoil, customers are ambiguous to venture out to buy new properties. Many prospective customers who are willing to buy new homes were made to shelve their ideas as they were unable to dispose their existing properties. Due to severe mortgage lending crunch and financial institutions tightening the screws to lend loans has created difficult times for customers to take loans. The above depicted issues with respect to customers have affected Centex's housing. Revenues of centex decreased primarily due to decreases in units closed, and the revenues are largely offset by increases in discounts and lower prices experienced. The total closing numbers on sales decreased by 18 percent and total revenue decreased by 32 percent compare to 2007 and 2006 (builder 100). High competitions in the market as customers were trying to sell off their old inventory due to mortgage debt pressures.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Research Eosin Y with and without Phloxine B Reagents Paper
Eosin Y with and without Phloxine B Reagents - Research Paper Example The physical and chemical properties differ from one isomer to another. The highest melting point is 13.260C (55.870F) for p-xylene and the least is -47.870C (-54.170F) for m-xylene. All isomers have a boiling point around 1400C (2850F). In respect to density, all isomers have a density of around 0.87 g/ml that is less than dense water. In air, one can smell xylene at a concentration of 0.08 to 3.7 ppm while at water one can taste it at 0.53 to 1.8 ppm. In terms of appearance, xylene is a colourless and clear. The compounds related to xylene include benzene, ethylbenzene, mesitylene and toluene. Xylene is practically insoluble in water but soluble in non-polar solvents like the aromatic hydrocarbons (Pujado and Jones, 2006). According to Avery (2008) xylene, is commonly used in a histology lab for cleaning purposes. In the histology lab, technicians apply xylene for the purposes of tissue processing, deparaffinised and cover-slipping. It is termed as the best cleaning agent in a histology lab. It is applied before the infiltrating tissue in the cleaning process. To infiltrate a tissue peace with water, paraffin and alcohol must be removed. By removing, first, dehydration of tissues fixed with aqueous fixation is done by placing it through different alcohols starting from 50 % to 100 % through 70 %, 80 % and 95 %. After dehydrating the tissues, it must be cleaned using Histo-Grade Xylene form alcohol. After completion of this process, the infiltration of the tissue with paraffin can be done. Xylene can also be used in lab to prepare cover-slipping slides. The slides that are stained cannot be cover-slipped until the removal of water takes place. In order to dehydrate the water slide, the stained slide is placed into alcohol. After that the stained slide is placed into xylene in order to remove alcohol. After completion of this
Business Discussion Advise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Discussion Advise - Essay Example This road map aims to answer questions relative to the growth potential and objectives of the business as well as the feasibility of financial projections. Apart from this, the purpose of business plan may also hinge on its analysis of current global market conditions and business risks inherent in other countries as well as the proposed capital structure that would maximize the value of the business (Chan, n.d.). In terms of the marketing aspect, the business plan also contains the key issues in connection with market identification in order to link the demand and marketing program for the product manufactured or service provided by the firm to its existing and potential customers across countries ("MoneyGlossary," n.d.). As mentioned, an entrepreneur should carefully consider the capital structure of the business in light of the substantial working capital requirement of a global investment. With this, he/she should take into account the sources of finance to fund business operations. For instance, he/she may opt for a global offering of the firm's stocks in order to raise capital. On the other hand, an entrepreneur may also consider issuing foreign bonds, the issuer being a foreigner in a particular domestic market, in the bond markets of various countries ("Investopedia,"n.d.).
Marriage in the 20th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marriage in the 20th Century - Essay Example First, they perceived conscience as the possession of a general knowledge as regards moral principles. In addition, it was also seen as a process towards being deliberated morally. Finally, these theologians examined the term conscience in terms of its usage in specific cases. The perspective of the Catholic Church is also threefold, as regards the term conscience. First, conscience is seen as that which an individual is able to experience as a reality, from within themselves. The term conscience is perceived as an analytical, evaluative and reflective judgment regarding that which is right in respect of particular cases. In this case, a call towards openness is called upon; if at all individuals are to identify the truth (Firer, n. d.). Finally, conscience is seen as an event that facilitates the attainment of a moral decision. In other words, it is the gateway that enables individuals to differentiate between that which is right, or wrong. The exercise of conscience calls for its development and cultivation. To develop it, it is required of an individual to undergo through an experience that shall both deepen and sharpen their sensitivity in terms of the evils on the one hand, and the moral good on the other hand. This enables individual to 'see rightly' (Firer, n. d.). Secondly, the development and cultivation of conscience may occur as a result of a learning process that entails making of judgment during times of conversation with say, a community as well as those responsible for giving such a community moral wisdom (Firer, n. d.). This way, individuals are assisted in judging rightly. Finally, the definite occurrence of arriving at a decision, coupled with the ensuing action, accords to each one of us what may at best be referred to as a ' track record' that upon reflecting on it, turns out to be our individual fountain of guidance as well as moral wisdom. This often takes time, but eventually, it enables us to 'act rightly'. Moral discernment According to Wallace (2003), discernment may be seen as a conventional name that refers to the difficult process of arriving at decisions or choices, on the basis of the "moral imperative" of an individual's conscience, while taking part in a "reasonable dialogue" with experts in subject-matter and also spiritual guides. It is important to note that there is a variation between the process of making daily decisions on the one hand and discernment on the other hand. Wallace has also referred to discernment as a "thoroughgoing effort" (Wallace, 2003). Logic alone is not enough to warrant recognition of discernment; the rest of our mental facilities are also called upon. To begin with, discernment tends to be in tune with the "the moral good", as opposed to the profitable that which is solidly conventional, or expedient. In other words, discernment is about trying to identify the best source of action to undertake from a moral perspective, as opposed to doing what we might find easier to accomplish, and that which may not lead to others criticizing our actions. Discernment also differs from the everyday decision making process in another way that could be seen as even more subtle. In this case, individuals take an assumption that sheer logic is not enough to help them attain "the good" (Wallace, 2003), thus calling for discernment. Conscience, moral
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Life and Times of Michael K Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Life and Times of Michael K - Essay Example Decolonization has transpired but the very attributes of colonialism is manifold in the tension of Black and White within the society. The Blacks in Africa and labor classes in the capitalist world have been tremendously crushed by the Whites and the capitalist classes of the society. Now among excellent writings exhibited by an array of scholars, one of the most crucial things that are to be noted is the way of obtaining freedom or to find an escape route from this state of struggle. The protagonist Michael K has been born with physical deformities and he is Black. He faces tremendous constraint in almost every aspects of living in the society with a dead mother. But facing challenges which are really not wanted in a civilized society, he never lost hope and kept ignited the fire of freedom within himself reflecting a post modern view of self liberation. Starvation has been one of the aspects through which Michael has went through and infused him with the realization of harsh realit y in the then society. It can be also regarded as a way of liberation against a life that is amalgamated with furious torment and outright negligence (Coetzee). Two anti colonial scholars Frantz Fanon and the Chinua Achebe are famous for their revolutionary writings on African context associated with colonial exploitation and freedom of the common masses from blood sucking colonial dominance and racial suppression. Their ideas will be discussed in this paper for highlighting the themes of starvation and speeches from the book, Life and times of Michael K. Frantz Fanon was a third world intellectual whose work is dedicated against colonialism with particular impact in Africa and his writings in the period of 1950s and 1960s especially Les Damnes de la terre explores the passion on the historical conditions of the anti colonial struggle. He grew up among the African slaves working in the sugar plantations and participated in the guerilla struggle against the pro Nazi French Vichy gove rnment. Fanonââ¬â¢s political vision is guided by the notion of European tradition of Marxist thought reflecting anti colonial dimensions. Fanon thought in lines of Marx that violent anti colonial struggle is necessary as a solution but he differed from Marx in the sense that he focused on the execution of revolution by the peasants and the social outcasts. Marx saw less potential among them. Fanon visualizes that these classes of the society are intensely subjugated by the capitalist class without receiving a minimal distribution of goods for sustaining life (Fanon, 1576). There is a continuous escalation in demand from the colonial power and in this process the common people are dragged into virulent poverty and they die of hope. In this aspect a link can be established where Coetzee metaphorically used the phrase, ââ¬Å"It will close up as he grows olderâ⬠(Coetzee, 3). This is in respect to Michael Kââ¬â¢s physical deficiency of the mouth. Midwife stated this to the mother of Michael K giving a hope that it will heal up and deformity in Michael Kââ¬â¢s mouth will diminish. But the deformity never diminished and it became a subject of mockery and discrimination in the society. Michael K from his very childhood has been deprived of access to essential goods and services that are necessary for maintaining a sustainable standard of living and has been subjected to mockery from time to time. Hope is not a solution. Revolution is
Flannery O'Connor's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Flannery O'Connor's - Essay Example The Hopewell farm is in a somewhat rural area. This is known because of the fact that Joy-Hulga lost her leg in a hunting accident when she was 10, something girls arent normally a part of unless they live in the country, and that Manley Pointer was able to leave her, abandoned and legless, in an old barn where no one would be likely to hear her cries for help. This is important to OConnors stories because of the tradition she pulls from: ""The Southern writer is forced from all sides to make his gaze extend beyond the surface, beyond mere problems, until it touches that realm which is the concern of prophets and poets." Simply placing her stories in the South immediately associates her work with the strong tradition coming out of the South at that time and programs her readers to look for the deeper meanings. Other than her love of the South, one can also see OConnors preoccupation with the grotesque in this story. Joy has changed her name to Hulga in a deliberate attempt to make her name match her ugly self-image. This is, to some degree, a reflection of OConnors struggle with lupus, an illness that wasnt well understood at that time but that can cause ugly red splotches on the face and elsewhere and that causes unexplained pain at random. She usually explained this interest in another way though: "Whenever Iââ¬â¢m asked why Southern writers particularly have a penchant for writing about freaks, I say it is because we are still able to recognize one." Although she watched her father die of the disease at a young age and struggled with it herself for 14 years, OConnor always tried to keep it in perspective. Part of the reason she was able to keep it in perspective so well was because of the deep nature of her Catholic faith, elements of which also play a big role in this story. The surface action of the story is that of a young Bible salesman coming to the Hopewell farm, charming
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Marriage in the 20th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marriage in the 20th Century - Essay Example First, they perceived conscience as the possession of a general knowledge as regards moral principles. In addition, it was also seen as a process towards being deliberated morally. Finally, these theologians examined the term conscience in terms of its usage in specific cases. The perspective of the Catholic Church is also threefold, as regards the term conscience. First, conscience is seen as that which an individual is able to experience as a reality, from within themselves. The term conscience is perceived as an analytical, evaluative and reflective judgment regarding that which is right in respect of particular cases. In this case, a call towards openness is called upon; if at all individuals are to identify the truth (Firer, n. d.). Finally, conscience is seen as an event that facilitates the attainment of a moral decision. In other words, it is the gateway that enables individuals to differentiate between that which is right, or wrong. The exercise of conscience calls for its development and cultivation. To develop it, it is required of an individual to undergo through an experience that shall both deepen and sharpen their sensitivity in terms of the evils on the one hand, and the moral good on the other hand. This enables individual to 'see rightly' (Firer, n. d.). Secondly, the development and cultivation of conscience may occur as a result of a learning process that entails making of judgment during times of conversation with say, a community as well as those responsible for giving such a community moral wisdom (Firer, n. d.). This way, individuals are assisted in judging rightly. Finally, the definite occurrence of arriving at a decision, coupled with the ensuing action, accords to each one of us what may at best be referred to as a ' track record' that upon reflecting on it, turns out to be our individual fountain of guidance as well as moral wisdom. This often takes time, but eventually, it enables us to 'act rightly'. Moral discernment According to Wallace (2003), discernment may be seen as a conventional name that refers to the difficult process of arriving at decisions or choices, on the basis of the "moral imperative" of an individual's conscience, while taking part in a "reasonable dialogue" with experts in subject-matter and also spiritual guides. It is important to note that there is a variation between the process of making daily decisions on the one hand and discernment on the other hand. Wallace has also referred to discernment as a "thoroughgoing effort" (Wallace, 2003). Logic alone is not enough to warrant recognition of discernment; the rest of our mental facilities are also called upon. To begin with, discernment tends to be in tune with the "the moral good", as opposed to the profitable that which is solidly conventional, or expedient. In other words, discernment is about trying to identify the best source of action to undertake from a moral perspective, as opposed to doing what we might find easier to accomplish, and that which may not lead to others criticizing our actions. Discernment also differs from the everyday decision making process in another way that could be seen as even more subtle. In this case, individuals take an assumption that sheer logic is not enough to help them attain "the good" (Wallace, 2003), thus calling for discernment. Conscience, moral
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Flannery O'Connor's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Flannery O'Connor's - Essay Example The Hopewell farm is in a somewhat rural area. This is known because of the fact that Joy-Hulga lost her leg in a hunting accident when she was 10, something girls arent normally a part of unless they live in the country, and that Manley Pointer was able to leave her, abandoned and legless, in an old barn where no one would be likely to hear her cries for help. This is important to OConnors stories because of the tradition she pulls from: ""The Southern writer is forced from all sides to make his gaze extend beyond the surface, beyond mere problems, until it touches that realm which is the concern of prophets and poets." Simply placing her stories in the South immediately associates her work with the strong tradition coming out of the South at that time and programs her readers to look for the deeper meanings. Other than her love of the South, one can also see OConnors preoccupation with the grotesque in this story. Joy has changed her name to Hulga in a deliberate attempt to make her name match her ugly self-image. This is, to some degree, a reflection of OConnors struggle with lupus, an illness that wasnt well understood at that time but that can cause ugly red splotches on the face and elsewhere and that causes unexplained pain at random. She usually explained this interest in another way though: "Whenever Iââ¬â¢m asked why Southern writers particularly have a penchant for writing about freaks, I say it is because we are still able to recognize one." Although she watched her father die of the disease at a young age and struggled with it herself for 14 years, OConnor always tried to keep it in perspective. Part of the reason she was able to keep it in perspective so well was because of the deep nature of her Catholic faith, elements of which also play a big role in this story. The surface action of the story is that of a young Bible salesman coming to the Hopewell farm, charming
Exercises ; Problems Solutions Essay Example for Free
Exercises ; Problems Solutions Essay Her ownerââ¬â¢s equity decreased by $14,000 for the operating expenses recorded on August 10th, by $400 for the interest expense recorded on August 24th, and by $10,000 for the cash dividend recorded on August 29th. In other words, her ownerââ¬â¢s equity was increased by revenues, and it was decreased by expenses and dividends. Interest is an expense because it represents a necessary payment to others (i. e. , creditors) for the use of their moneyââ¬âthus, it is a ââ¬Å"costâ⬠of doing business. Dividends are a distribution of profits to the owners of the firm and represent a partial liquidation of the firm. A dividend is not an expense because it represents a profit distribution; it is not a ââ¬Å"costâ⬠of doing business. f. g. When money is borrowed from the bank, an asset (cash) is increased and a liability (notes payable) is also increased by an equal amount. Net income is increased only when revenue has been earnedââ¬âand money borrowed from the bank represents a liability that must be repaid, not revenue that has been earned. Paying off accounts payable decreases an asset (cash) and decreases a liability (accounts payable) by an equal amount. Collecting an account receivable increases an asset (cash) and decreases another asset (accounts receivable) by equal amounts. In both cases, only balance sheet accounts are involved. Net income is increased by revenues and decreased by expenses. The expense associated with a cash payment of an account payable would have been recorded in an earlier transaction (when the expense was incurred and the account payable was established); by the same logic, the revenue associated with the collection of an account receivable would have been recorded in an earlier transaction (when the revenue was earned and the account receivable was established).Amounts shown in the balance sheet below reflect the following use of the data given: An asset should have a probable future economic benefit; therefore the accounts receivable are stated at the amount expected to be collected from customers. Assets are reported at original cost, not current worth. Depreciation in accounting reflects the spreading of the cost of an asset over its estimated useful life. Assets are reported at original cost, not at an assessed or appraised value. The amount of the note payable is calculated using the accounting equation, A = L + OE. Total assets can be determined based on items (a), (b), and (c); total owners equity is known after considering item (e); and the note payable is the difference between total liabilities and the accounts payable. The retained earnings account balance represents the difference between cumulative net income and cumulative dividends. The problem could be solved without calculating this number.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Impact of E-business on the Economy
Impact of E-business on the Economy The Impact of E-business on the Economy Introduction Electronic business also known as E-business is the conduct of business on the internet and other computer networks, not only does it involve buying and selling of products but also customer servicing and collaboration with business partners. In recent years, e-business has developed rapidly and the e-purchasing is becoming more popular over the world. Electronic business (e-business) is a general concept covering any form of business transaction or information exchange executed using information and communication technologies (Whiteley, 2000). E-business may take place between firms (B2B), between firms and their customers (B2C), or between firms and the government (B2G). According to Whiteley (2000), e-business operations can be grouped into three categories; Electronic categories, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Internet business. E-business has been recognized as an important contributor in the economy of many countries. In the emerging global economy, e-business has increasingly become a very important and a necessary component of business strategy and a strong catalyst for economic development. This report will be analysising the impact of e-business on the economy (EU) and the importance of e-business, stating the critical issues and challenges involved in e-business. Impact of E-business on business organisations To assess the economic impact of e-business in an organisation, I will concentrate on the important sectors in the European union which are the Retail industry, Banking industry and the Travel and tourism industry. Retail sector Retailing is one of the most important industry sector in the world, with no exception of the EU. In 2004 the EU retail sector, the industry comprised of approximately 17 million firms that employed people in the EU27 (e-business watch 2007) In the retail sector, e-business has had great impact on the value chain. It has made a great difference in terms of shelf life of products and stock rotation time. It also highlighted the relevance of inter-business exchanges. In fact, retailers, beside their relationship with suppliers and consumers, have significant impact on intercompany exchanges through CEDI (centre of distribution). In essence, retail companies will want to rationalize and reduce costs of supply and management of the supply chain, starting with purchasing cost. They will also want to differentiate their own offers from the competitors, exploiting customer relation management techniques as to communication, sales and customers loyalty (e-business Watch 2000). The UK figures released by the Office of National Statistics in February 2009 showed that internet retail sales, as a percentage of total retail sales, rose by 13.2% (average weekly value of à £167 million). These figures closely match figures released by the IMRG/Capgemini Sales Index which showed that the e-business retail market rose by 17% in July compared to July 2008, this increase has been driven by the clothing, accessories and electrical goods online retail sales. Banking Industry The introduction of E-business (ICT) in the European banking system has had a significant impact on banks operating system and their operations within physical branches. The most important form of e-business used by banks is the online banking which has help cut down cost. E-business has enabled banks to redefine their boundaries and also gained competitive advantage through it. Internet banking is nowadays supported by advanced ICT solutions which enable most everyday banking services to be conducted online ( Studies also shows productivity growth rose in the EU from year 2000 onwards, while average working hours per employee has decreased subsequently, this study tells use e-business investment is largely substituting labour particularly in retail banking. Travel and tourism Industry In the last few years travel pattern has changed in the EU. The travel sector in the EU is so large that even a small share of it produces a major online market. Taking the internet for example, it has had a very high impact on the air travel industry. It can provide a direct connection between airlines and customers without the need to use travel agents or Computer Reservation Systems (CRS), thereby leading to cost savings in the distribution of air tickets (Law and Leug, 2000) the internet has become very extensive in the travel industries and its impact has been particularly significant on the distribution channel for air travels and the use of the Internet for searching and purchasing airline tickets has become common in travel markets. The introduction of e-business to the airline industry has enabled most travellers to bypass travel agents alltogether, with most agreeingthat the most current air market will shift form traditional travel agents to internet based agents like www. Recent studies shows that firms that have reinforced their e-business strategy in the airline industry has had an increase in sales volume for airlines website. The internet has contributed strongly to the growth of most budget airlines taking easy jet as an example. Easy jet has never used the travel agent network, they rely on the internet because all their flights are booked online by customers. (Journal of Air Transport Management Volume 12, Issue 5, September 2006, Pages 253-260) Impact of E-Business on the economy Over the past decades e-business has helped and provided various methods in which buyers and sellers can transact In the decades to come, exploiting the full potential of developments could have profound impacts in individual sectors of the economy as well as for macroeconomic performance and economic policies. At the aggregate level, productivity and economic growth could rise, at least for some time, as a result of more efficient management of supply and distribution, lower transaction costs, low barriers to entry and improved access to information. In the business-to-business context, higher efficiency can be gained from B2B e-commerce and B2B exchanges via lower procurement cost and better supply chain management. Many companies claim that putting their supply chains online has led, or will lead, to major cost savings. According to Goldman Sachs (2000) study these gains range from between 2 and 40 percent of total input cost depending on the industry which may subsequently reduce the price in the overall economy.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Macbeth Essay -- essays research papers
à à à à à To what extent is Macbeth responsible for his actions? à à à à à Whose Fault Is It? à à à à à In the play Macbeth, Macbethââ¬â¢s actions are cold blooded and are done out of ambition and greed. For example, he killed King Duncan because he wanted to be the king of Scotland. He also hired murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance because they stood in his way of becoming king. Only Macbeth was responsible for his deeds, however, the witches, and Lady Macbeth also played key roles in influencing Macbethââ¬â¢s actions. à à à à à During Macbethââ¬â¢s first encounter with the three witches, he learns that he has been appointed Thane of Cawdor, and that he will be the king; but, he also knows that if he is to become the king, a few people will have to die. After thinking about it, he decides that if he is going to become the king he will let it happen naturally. His decision changes, however, once he talks to Lady Macbeth. When Lady Macbeth hears Macbethââ¬â¢s story, she wants him to kill Duncan so that they can become king and queen. At first, he does not want to kill Duncan, but then Lady Macbeth questions his manhood ââ¬Å"When you durst do it, then you were a man; / And, to be more than you were, you would / be so much more the manâ⬠(I, vii, 49-51). She tells Macbeth that she would kill her own child to have a chance like this ââ¬Å" I have given suck, and know / how tender ââ¬Ëtis to love the babe that milks me:...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The War Against Athletes :: essays research papers fc
THE WAR AGAINST ATHLETES à à à à à In schools around the country, many athletes are being subjected to a great indignity. They are being stripped of their personal privileges. They are scorned and questioned of their morale, without cause or evidence. The trust once shared between students and teachers, the bond between children and parents has been torn apart. Athletes ranging from middle school to high school are being subjected to tests for drug use. Drugs that only thirteen percent of the student populations are responsible for. (Brecher, n.pag.) The remaining eighty-seven percent of the students are being accused of, and unrightfully suspected of drug use. But why just athletes? Why not the rest of the students? In their quest for a more civil society, administrators have forgotten their true goals à equality for all students. If an athlete is to be stripped of his rights, why not another student? What makes an athlete more susceptible to drug use than a non-athlete? A clear level of discri mination is evident in the Supreme Court decision to make drug testing of athletes legal in the United States. (no author, 4). It is wrong to suspect a person more likely to do drugs than another person solely on their extra-curricular activities. à à à à à Athletes are subjected to conditions most students are not. They go through more training and spend more time working than do most other students. Athletes, along with their parent or guardians, spend time and money to participate in athletic events. Each one of them works hard to achieve their personal goals, something that schools try to incorporate into their curriculum all over the country. Athletes are an example to the rest of the student body, through their level of effort and their desire to improve. They are rewarded by shoving their hard-status down the toilet, along with any feelings of privacy or personal pride. Only nobody seems to notice this injustice. For some reason, our society, or its government at least, seems to believe that athletes are the focal point of drug trafficking in schools around the country. By being the uplifting students they are, athletes have drawn attention to themselves. Attention that has gone from sweet to a more hateful su spicious attention. The kind of attention the press brings when a famous person is suspected of wrongdoing. The suspicion feeds on itself, until some anarchist reporter brings it to a rolling boil by exposing the entire scandal.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Emotional Intelligence Essay
The purpose of this paper is to describe the differences between traditional cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence. It will also address the use of emotional intelligence concepts in the work life, home life, and personal life. There are many possible definitions of emotional intelligence. In accordance with an article titled ââ¬Å"Theory, Findings, and Implicationsâ⬠written by Mayer, Salovey, and Caurso in 2004, described emotional intelligence as, ââ¬Å"the capacity to reason about emotions, and of emotions to enhance thinking. It includes the abilities to accurately perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth.â⬠Cognitive Intelligence is the intellectual abilities such as logic, reason, reading, writing, analyzing and prioritizing. These abilities are abilities that is in your head which us es the neocortez, not the emotional part of your brain. Emotional Intelligence is expanded into five main domains which expands it definition for a clearer understanding. The first is knowing oneââ¬â¢s emotion, which describes self-awareness of recognizing a feeling as it happens. It is the keystone of emotional intelligence. Having the abilities to monitor your feelings from one minute to the next is crucial to your psychological insights of understanding yourself. The second is managing your emotions, which is self management. This means handing feelings so they are appropriate in an ability that builds on your self-awareness. The third is motivating yourself, which is control yourself in the face of adversity and continue toward attaining your personal goals. The fourth is recognizing emotions in other people around you. Showing empathy for others makes people appreciate that their feelings are recognized and respected. The fifth and final domain is handling relationships. This demonstrates social skills. How well you can handle relationships with your workers, which you use to influences them in accomplishing the organizationââ¬â¢s mission. Prior toà taking this course, I did not realize how vital the emotional intelligence concept has in our work life, home life, and personal life. As a leader you are charged with leading people to accomplish the organizationââ¬â¢s goal. In the military, the definition of leadership is the art of influencing soldiers to accomplish the mission by providing, purpose direction, and motivation. We discuss intrapersonal and interpersonal skills but never to point to call it emotional intelligence. Soldiers join the military from all walks of life. As a leader you must adapt to the differences in everyoneââ¬â¢s culture. You job is mesh these people together gel as one cohesive unit in peacetime and wartime. If you do not possess the five concepts as mentioned above the road to accomplishment can be devastation to not only the military, but to our country national security. Emotional Intelligence in your home life calls for a lot of managing your emotions and empathy. Sharing life with a partner is not an easy feat. You are thinking for yourself anymore like you once did. When you add children to the equation then life as you know is never the same. You are basically do the same a home that you are doing at work, trying to accomplish a goal. In this case, it more personal but the path your family takes depends on your ability to lead them by managing your emotion being empathy to your family when they do not meet the expectation you have for them. Emotional Intelligence in your personal life has a tremendous affect on whether you lead a happy life or whether you are always fighting with someone about one thing or another. Daniel Goleman described an instant in his tenth anniversary edition book on Emotional Intelligence about how important emotional intelligence is to selecting a partner to marriage. The fifth domain is important to handling relationship. Most relationship suffer because two people not understanding each other. You must recognize what a person tick in order adjust you emotion for harmony. During this paper, a description of the difference between traditional cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence was explained. The five main domains which expands the definition for a clear understanding was listed. The emotional intelligence concepts in work life, home life, and personal life was analyzed to explain how the domains are intertwined in every aspects of your life. Reference Coleman, D. (2005). Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ (10th ed.). New York, NY: Bantam Dell.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
A Mentor Essay
In life there is always a person, or role model that you will look up to and admire. A person may admire their role model, or mentor, because of their looks, wit, or even general personality. No matter who you are there is always someone that you attempt to emulate in some way, shape, or form throughout your life. There is no limit to the amount of role models one person can have. There may only be one person whose ideas you look at and agree with whole heartedly, or you may take portions from a vast number of others in order to create your own unique persona, and ideas. For myself, a prominent mentor was my high school Chemistry and Physics teacher, Mr. Robert Hage. I admired my Chemistry teacher not for his thinning white hair, or for that matter any of his looks, other than his always cheerful smile. I instead looked up to him as a mentor due to his unique personality, and his vast intelligence. He had a love for cats, liberal ideals, and sweaters with an odd pattern displayed boldly on the front. Mr. Hage had a great sense of humor, and was an avid musician. These were the reasons that I admired Mr. Hage, because these were planes that I took interest in and that I could learn from him in. In the classroom Robert Hage was what some students would call ââ¬Ëa perfect teacherââ¬â¢ he was not incredibly strict, he didnââ¬â¢t ever hand out detentions, but instead would make a mockery of the any student that unintelligently disrupted his class, but did so in such a sly, humorous manner, that even the victim of the mockery would be laughing uncontrollably. Robert Hage lived an expansive life that led him though a great number of careers including a Musician, Chemist, Physicist, Author, High School teacher, and finally, a mentor. Through this vast professional history he showed a great passion for everything he had done, and in doing so gained a large amount of knowledge, in which he would pass on to his students. This is what I admired most about Mr. Robert Hage; I admired his knowledge and passion of all things he did. Read more:à Whom I admireà essay In my sophomore year of high school I entered room 211 to go to Chemistry class. I had always enjoyed classes that pertained to a scientific field,à and hoped that Chemistry would come as easily as the other subjects had to me. However, my freshman year the teacher who lectured the Biology class had no interest in the subject she taught and did so half-heartedly; I started to dislike the class. So I was wary about another teacher who just wanted to get through the class more so than teach the students. Needless to say, I was proved wrong, very wrong. The first day of Chemistry class Robert Hage performed a serious of ââ¬Ëmystifyingââ¬â¢ experiments such as lighting Magnesium on fire, which burns with a flame so white it will leave you seeing spots, and placing pure Sodium in a beaker of water, which will combust. Mr. Hage then stated ââ¬Å"For those of you who had doubts coming into this room, Chemistry is funâ⬠. That was all I needed to hear in order to know that this would turn out to be a fortunate turn in events. As the year went on it seemed that my teacher and I had much more in common than I had initially hoped for. I was at an age where I had not yet taken a stance on any real issues but always sat uncomfortably on the fencepost. When I found myself pondering serious life questions, such as religion, he showed me answers through science and that it was perfectly fine not to accept a religion at all as long as you could provide evidence to support your claims. This was a new concept that had never been provided for me, and best of all it wasnââ¬â¢t force fed to me. When I questioned politics he presented the strengths of a liberal standpoint, but all the while letting me know that as long as I could justify my ideas, it was alright to take whatever standpoint I wanted. Although, with every path that was opened, he always told the group in which it was presented to, not to just blindly accept what he said and run with it, but to examine both sides carefully and choose which you thought was the right one. With not only a rekindled interest in science, I was also left with the new interest of rhetoric and debate. With Mr. Hageââ¬â¢s encouragement I joined the high school debate team. When the season came for debate matches to begin; Robert Hage had some more advice for me which was, it is important to know how to argue your side, but more important to know how the opponent will argue theirs, and the best strategy is to beat them with their own words and facts. I will never forget these words, and they are filled with what is in my opinion some of the most valuable wisdom you will hear. Robert Hage played a large role in sculpting my present day personality, and it is because of him that I have developed an everlasting love for music, and am now fluent in playing five different instruments. He is also the reason that I am comfortable with views that may not be shared with a vast majority. Most of all, he is the reason I chose the path in life that I did; he is the reason that I am currently pursuing my majors of the Chemistry and Pre-Medical fields.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Systems Analysis and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9
Systems Analysis and Design - Essay Example The most crucial security issues facing organizations today are data security, employee security, health risks, and physical security. A 2012 report by statistics organization Securitas showed that organizations, irrespective of size, dealt with data security issues most seriously (Wisegate 5). Dangers to data originate from rival companies, hackers, and espionage attempts. Employee security is the protection of employees from other workers, and internal and external dangers. Health risks companies deal with today often are contagious illnesses that perpetrate within closed rooms such as offices, unhygienic restrooms, defective wiring, and electrical structures. Physical security is protecting the organizationââ¬â¢s property from theft or harm and access to all its premises and facilities (Shelly and Rosenblatt 502). Companies can prepare for security dangers and issues in the future by raising awareness and teaming amongst employees, making the information technology department the ââ¬Å"First Adopterâ⬠of disruptive innovations, system segmentation, and system visibility. System segmentation is having all key applications of an organization under a single data setting where the degrees of dangers or effect that domestic workstations can have. System visibility is the analysis of ongoing in an organizationââ¬â¢s network through solutions that determine system traffic patterns and note irregular patterns (Wisegate 6, 7,
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
UK Shouldn't leave European union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
UK Shouldn't leave European union - Essay Example British are of the fact that the weak stance of the Euro zone due to the economic hardships is burdening UK. They are paying for the stability of other countries which are the members of the EU. The cost of this union is very high and the heritage of UK is at stake due to the policies which have been enforced on Britain by EU. This report suggests that UK should remain a part of the EU to ensure a more stable future and dominance on the Euro Zone. This will improve its economic strength and the power of dominance which has been a part of the heritage of UK. INTRODUCTION EUROPEAN UNION (EU) The European Union is an alliance between some of the European nations to support each other in maintaining the stability which arise due to the economic or the social / societal hardships in an economy. The European Union came into existence in the year 1993. A treaty was signed by the members called the Treaty of Maastricht. The base of this alliance was formed in 1958 by European Economic Commun ity (EEC) which was the result of signing of the Treaty of Rome. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH AND THE EUROPEAN NATION United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) have a history which goes back in time. Both the regions have their own significant importance with respect to the business situations. UK operates under the currency of British Pound and the EU states use the standardised currency Euro all across the nation. The history of these states has always been complicated. The current scenario of the states is making problems for the strategic alliance between both the countries. The economic turmoil and the period of recession are forcing a strategic alliance between both the nations. UK has always been on the stronger side due to the British reign and the supremacy of the queen. The strategic personnel of UK and the think tanks which make the strategic decision of the countries progress are of the view of breaking the strategic alliance with the EU. In this report the areas emphasising on the importance of this alliance have been discussed. The current economic factors which are the main detrimental factors of the problems will also be discussed in this report. The economic recession has brought hardship on many nations. We will see that what strategies have been adopted by the UK & EU states. UK wants to break the alliance which has been developed. The factors which have led behind this decision and the study that whether this decision will be or will not be feasible for the states of this region or not. Breaking an alliance at this point may cause a disruption in the complete system and may require the re-establishing of the strategic goals which the region wants to implement. Whether Britain should or should not leave the European Union. If not then what are the factors which will affect the states if this alliance breaks. The alliance would have brought some sort of advantage to the UK and EU nation both. The recommendations should be analysed aft er the detailed study of the topic to present a best possibly applicable conclusion. A POLICY POSITION- UK SHOULDNââ¬â¢T LEAVE EU The votes in the Parliament have emphasised on the point that Britain does not plan to stay a part of the European Union. The current course of action of the representative is showing a trend that Britain will leave the EU by the time the next parliamentarian
Monday, October 7, 2019
How informatics has altered nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
How informatics has altered nursing - Essay Example Additionally nurses, while already known in general for having a wide range of skills and competencies, must thus be able to adapt and learn newer skill sets in order to better discharge their duties. All in all, that more and more people in hospitals require intensive care from nurses means that there is an equally dire need for the succeeding generations of nurses to be as competent as they possibly can be. Taking all these things into account, it should not be surprising that nursing as a profession has become highly in-demand, or that nursing has and will forever be changing to adapt with the times ââ¬â thanks in part to the existence of nursing informatics. It is for this reason that nurses have always been able to reinforce their practices with a constant flow of newer knowledge ââ¬â which, in this day and age, is something that they will definitely need more than ever before. Nursing Informatics ââ¬â Past/Present/Future Trends, Benefits of Such Practices Saba and M cCormick (2001) have defined healthcare informatics in general as the integration of the branches of health, computer, information and cognitive sciences in managing healthcare information. Nursing informatics is one of its three subtypes ââ¬â the other two being health and medical informatics, respectively ââ¬â and is in turn defined by Hannah et al (1985) as how nurses make use of information technology in carrying out their daily duties. And this definition, too, was further expanded by Graves and Corcoran (1989) as ââ¬Å"a combination of computer science, information science and nursing science designed to assist in the management and processing of nursing data, information and knowledge to support the practice of nursing and the delivery of nursing careâ⬠(p. 227). There can be little doubt that it is thanks to this particular branch of healthcare informatics that nurses have always been able to maintain a certain level of quality when it comes to their work; in f act, as stated by Curran (2003), it is absolutely essential that nurses and clinicians alike have some degree of competence here so that they will continue to maintain their competence and the quality of the healthcare they administer. Ball (2003) helps provide an overview of the evolution of nursing informatics. Even as early as the mid-80s, nurses could make use of the then-existing laptop computers during seminars, but today these laptops have become accessible even up to the patientââ¬â¢s bedside. And despite the existence of laptops then, their steep price made them too expensive to be commonplace in hospitals ââ¬â or anywhere else, for that matter. Typewriters had the advantage of being much less costly, and much easier to use, but the cost of correction fluid could get to be a headache at times ââ¬â much more so for those nurses who happened to make lots of mistakes while working. However, for the longest time, most nurses ââ¬â that is, those who neither owned computers nor could afford to spend on them ââ¬â had to deal with these potentially cumbersome contraptions. This being the case, the advent of computer technology has been a definite godsend. Where a few years ago, a nurse would have to jot down every single detail on a particular patientââ¬â¢
Sunday, October 6, 2019
M.K. Ghandi The story of my experiment with truth Essay - 1
M.K. Ghandi The story of my experiment with truth - Essay Example As a consequence, ever person is liable for the truth and has a responsibility that it be recognized and valued by others. The first twenty seven chapters of the book see how Gandhiââ¬â¢s life is molded by his circumstance and then in turn sought to mold his own destiny. From his childhood, his being part of the Banya caste, growing up in Porbandar and Rajkot and being in general under the absolute duress of his parents social and political roles (4-7). He has a great respect for elders and people in authority, considers them beyond reproach or doubt. His experience as student, particularly the incident where he said that his teacher prompted him to cheat to impress a school inspector, reading Harishchandra and watching the play Harishchandra are key points in his childhood. These laid the foundations for his future treatise on truth and society which will led him to question what in his childhood he accepted so easily including his formative schooling experience and Hindu social customs (4). Gandhi considers his life experience as a process of contemplation, self-realization and application. In conjunction with his personal and professional development within and outside his primary context, he considers these as experiments that have allowed him to define his values and prerogatives. Such as in his early experience with eating meat, his commitment to avowing this food develops from compliance by rote and enforcement, defiance by subversion, rationalization through knowledge and finally true acknowledgment and acquiescence of the practice. This will set a pattern it seems for Gandhi: evident in the succeeding chapters of the book detailing his high school, college and early professional experiences in Africa and home. His life is highlighted by time of great self-doubt, conflicting familial and social aspirations as well as
Saturday, October 5, 2019
MiniBusiness Plan Parameters( Food truck and we sell mainly smoothies Essay
MiniBusiness Plan Parameters( Food truck and we sell mainly smoothies king) - Essay Example The idea of a food truck will ensure we serve our clients at their convenience by making trips to their premises based on the truck schedule. Our staff are committed to ensure our clientsââ¬â¢ interests are accorded first priority. Amazing smoothies is a limited liability company with all the members having an equal share capital in the business. The initial capital will be 100,000 dollars with the contribution of each member at 20,000 dollars with the possibility of further investment in future as agreed upon by the members. The investment will attract an interest of not more than 10% per annum. The monthly variable costs are estimated at 5,500 dollars and fixed cost at 3,000 dollars. The business partners will receive an equal salary at 500 dollars per month but may be subject to adjustment depending on the work rate assigned to each individual. Our sales revenues for the First year is projected at 12,000 dollars per month and to rise to 15,000 dollars within one year of operation. This represents an increase in sales at 12.5% annually. We are targeting expansion to buy more food trucks after the first year so as to be able to cover more market
Friday, October 4, 2019
Conclusion and Decisions Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Conclusion and Decisions - Term Paper Example The earnings per share of the company were $1.99 and it had a declared dividend of $0.99. The return on capital of the firm was 19%. Based on the basic financial analysis performed it seems as if Sysco is a sound financial investment. I would invest $1 million in SYY common stocks. The two other decisions regarding Sysco is whether or not invest in Sysco corporate bonds and to decide if Sysco is worthy of a bank credit line for its short term needs. The best way to determine how good the corporate bonds of the company are is by testing if the firm has the ability to pay off its long term debt. A ratio that can help determine if the firm can pay its long term debt is the debt ratio. The debt ratio is calculated dividing assets by liabilities. The debt ratio of Sysco is 1.59. A good debt ratio is one above 1.0. Based on these results I would recommend a $500,000 investment in Sysco bonds. The final decision is regarding whether the company deserves a line of credit for its short term n eeds. A liquidity ratio that helps determine the ability of the company to pay off its short term debts is the current ratio. The current ratio is calculated dividing current assets by current liability. A current ratio is good is it is above 1.0. The current ratio of Sysco is 1.69. Based on the ratio analysis result I would recommend the bank approve a $1 million credit line. Work Cited Page 2011.
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